Smart Response XE

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Smart Response XEs are one of those handheld electronic student answer things used by schools. It's been discontinued for a while, and there a bunch out there on eBay for pretty cheap (~$5-$8)

What makes these nice is that they have a big graphical LCD and a qwerty keyboard. The microcontroller is an atmega128rf, which includes 2.4ghz radio hardware (zigbee or similar), as well as 128K flash, and 16K ram.

I bought a few the last time they were featured on Hackaday. These were poised to be the next IM-Me style hacked device, but I haven't seen that much development on them (just a couple in 2018-2019). Perhaps that's because there isn't a whole lot of information about them.


The system is almost directly Arduino compatible, we just need to figure out a few things about the hardware.


Sparkfun released a dev board several years ago with the Atmega128RF on it. We can use the hardware definitions they provided - see for both the software and the pin definitions


The u8g2 lib supports this screen/controller -