alnwlsn's Voron 2.4 3D printer notes and mishaps

2024-04-12 | [3d-printing]

Getting CAN bus toolhead to work at 1000000

I replaced my toolhead PCB with a CAN bus version some time ago (this one, the EBB SB2240_2209 CAN), but it always had some problem with it because despite having a built in accelerometer, it will fail while doing TEST_RESONANCES with the error "Timer too close". My best guess is that this is what happens when too much data is trying to be sent down the can bus, so I need to up the baud rate so it doesn't pile up.

firmware update (EBB):

  1. Refer to klipper's official installation to download klipper source code to host
  2. Building the micro-controller with the configuration shown below.

BTT octopus firmware update

  1. similar process, but harder to search for for some reason. Do make menuconfig again

contents of /etc/network/interfaces.d/can0:

allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
    bitrate 1000000
    up ifconfig $IFACE txqueuelen 1024

other pitfalls

For what it's worth, after the 1000000 upgrade, the accelerometer does work properly.

Alnwlsn 2024